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tv   Documentary  RT  February 4, 2013 12:29am-1:00am EST

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history of social movements or lego's the occupy movement has experts on all those things and more not really want to i'm happily married husband a father of two fantastic children i live on a main street in a small new england town with actual white picket fences i made this movie for you me and everyone we know in the hope that we can create a world where human need comes before corporate greed so why does it feel almost un-american to say that think about it this way just go with me for a second here you know that scene from the oliver stone film wall street when gordon gekko played by michael douglas in a role that would win him an oscar appears at a shareholders meeting of a company paper to defend his actions and his grotesque worldview and delivers the now famous speech where he says. for lack of a better word is good. we just write great works. greek. and can't. see evolution.
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and. my eyes. will not only see tells us that other malfunction of this. audience is flipped out they cheered everybody in the eighty's wanted to be gordon gekko but the thing is this all over stone road is a piece of satire but nobody got it just the opposite all over stone was trying to send up the excesses of the reagan era michael douglas's portrayal helped inspire a whole generation of slicked back hair doos in double breasted suit screens adopting the greed is good ethos and pursuing the american dream as it had come to be defined now delivers a pretty well for a very few well reading poverty and misery down on many and serving as a homicidal force for others because people do in fact die for lack of access to health care in the richest country in the world that's the u.s. of a human. consumption is in fact accelerating the destruction of our planet people do
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in fact die in wars waged based on lies that profit precious view over five million children globally each year do not reach their fifth birthday because they die of starvation all of this is not because the system that puts man on the moon or can squeeze an entire library onto a computer chip the size of a thumbnail has failed to find a way to solve these problems rather our system without apology places corporate greed. and greed take back the popular phrase is not good now the question many within the occupy movement are trying to solve is this one what would world look like that had a culture and an economic system the place is human need above corporate greed and how do we bring that world into being who cares what it is called call it socialism call it real democracy now call it chunky monkey cherry garcia the world needs to change radically needs to change dramatically and it needs to change fast this
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documentary is an invitation for you to participate in that positive change frankly because we need you yes you. can so bad. it's a very well to buy but makes it a problem if you just saw all the money in one place. so i got to do is go the money is doing it for people there will. be four million yes six want to hear. well. thirty percent of american families one percent of the wealth of
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ninety five percent of americans so now that we've identified the problem broadly speaking what do you think the solution is raise your hand if you think the way our representative democracy currently functions bought and sold as it is by wall street and super pacs offers a bright ray of hope forward anyone to the very same power anyone politicians know if they spout spend their competitor they're going to when they're when the election ninety four percent of the time. so. they have no fear of the american people they fear the people who are going to fund their campaigns right so that means that you me and just about everyone we know has very little say over who represents us and little to no influence over them once they get into all this for a process is rigged to throw an enormous amount of money behind candidates in the two major parties and consequently choosing the lesser of two evils is something americans have done with a fatalistic shrug of the shoulders for far too long to say the u.s. government currently functions of for and by the people would be
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a funny joke if the joke were not on you mean almost everyone we know imagine a world in which your single voice carried as much weight as the c.e.o. of goldman sachs and you're starting to imagine the world that the occupy movement is trying to bring into being always going to greet us not about unanimity we don't be like a duke ellington jazz orchestra. everybody's got their own voice and even duke is not the conductor he just didn't put so much of it but it doesn't it it. just is not just yes that's good luck or think and action at the deepest level experiencing the horizontal community and culture and organization. so radicalizing for people and continues to be so radicalizing because it draws such a stark contrast up against what they're fighting and actually in their minds clarifies what they're up against more and then somebody. more than it would be
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clarified if somebody got up and tried to clarify it for you thanks to occupy wall street there is a lot of new ways of organizing which is not just calling people to participate in something you came up with but giving people the opportunity to create for themselves and to be a very original brainstorming about what to do so that they feel empowered in this movement it's also i think. finally put the kybosh on let's organize a rally on a saturday in washington d.c. when everything is closed and people come from around the country and spend a lot of money to walk around in a circle and come home. to watch. people. being killed by a certain degree much. i guess what you say. no longer
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represents the people the people organizing.
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do you. believe we've extended. to the war. was or was it was a good thing was i do you want me to forget it was. five thirty in the morning is a comedy on most mornings early in the occupy wall street movement there would only be about fifty maybe two hundred or so occupying the space but at five thirty in the morning on the morning of october fourteenth two thousand and eleven several
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thousand people were gathered there wide awake why because mayor mike bloomberg had declared that his own personal army his words the n.y.p.d. constituting the seventh largest army in the world would have victor occupy wall street and these thousands were there not just in solidarity they were there are more than ideas and cardboard signs and an urgency to protect it and many of them were prepared to go to jail trying to pull the space i had already gone to jail once since all of this started as an organizer with the october two thousand and eleven coalition i had been in washington d.c. in the early days of the movement and you can see me here after suggesting repeatedly inside the hart senate office building that we find other uses for the money we lavish on our homicidal bull geo political china shop and the foreign policy i was given to do not pass go go directly to jail card and in a few days i would be arrested again this time for protesting corporate personhood on the steps of the supreme court. it would occupy movement all around the
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world because we love. working people and. that jane doing it is great that we have a place that. occupy d.c. the occupy wall street occupy supreme court not everywhere in my willingness to go to jail for the movement though i was hardly unique and with the thousands that were in zuccotti on the morning of october fourteenth it seems that you're about to eclipse the previous one day record total of seven hundred protesters arrested on the brooklyn bridge what was it that brought all of those people to use a coffee that it may not be in. evolution in the traditional sense but this is a revolution of the. revolution and it's not going to be stuff like police barricades and pepper spraying please it looks like. the you do it like. in the first six months of the movie about seven
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thousand people have been arrested in occupy related protests for things like why all the fuss. and why in the predawn hours on that friday in october were so many prepared to go to jail. where we were supposed to get cleaned out of the park we swept to share a park and then we took brooms and we took them to the to wall street to co-create up wall street i think most of the problems but the filth is in the offices so we can get to it but we did a little victory lap and the police brutalized this the rest of the people like you know they do that they have done that trying to twenty five years in this country think that years non violent confrontations with the police whether they be in asserting one's first amendment rights to assemble for an uncredited spontaneous
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marches in the streets can be incredibly empowering movement building experience an antidote to the years of disempowering and williams free speech zone when it comes to be the most and yet civil resistance is but one part one tactic of the movement if you only saw the early stages of the occupy movement through the lens of the mainstream media you might think it was solely about clashes with the police.
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there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people lives. this is a problem. they were.
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you. anyway. live.
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live. live live league play live live . and i can assure you i want to. be like this when i get. in there are inherent in our civilians to get excited when. i was young i saw that . people that had nothing to do in anything. there's no.
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law that everybody has served in iraq afghanistan like to look him up. in afghanistan my mother didn't get our back. come home i'm a new york city my opinion your city and if. there's no reason there's no bridges no honor and i don't see millions. this is. a. leisurely ok let's just be honest here for a moment for some people this is an justifiably so a battle about a police state since one nine hundred eighty the number of people in prison per
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capita in the united states has more than tripled we now in prison a greater percentage of our population than any other country in the world in fact the united states is only five percent of the world's population has twenty five percent of the world's prison population in the u.s. one in every one hundred six white males aged eighteen or over is incarcerated for hispanic males that number is one in thirty six and one in fifteen black males over eighteen is currently in jail. between one thousand nine hundred seven and two thousand and seven state spending on incarceration related expenses increased one hundred twenty seven percent while spending on higher education during that same period rose a mere twenty percent is it that much more profitable jail or population than it is to educate and. i think that's a great reason then to now and their head lock arms now you know why take me to jail and you got to continue to do this i read about it joe you know watch you
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continue to tell my brother my sister in law my moms or anybody else that looks like me and i read and think it should be a scary thing not just for those oh you know people color minority but out of us know that we have to live in a society like that. ok so depending on your geographic location your everyday reality may reflect the police state we live in two larger or smaller degrees but at least you have your health right at least you have your home. already made every time there are various issues like that which are so pfizer because our mother. of every two thousand one l.l. am profiting over her. action taking place right. in front of my camera all right. thank you you're welcome pal sometimes demanding change on a large scale has to start with small groups of individuals saying enough is enough like this group of individuals in western massachusetts who gathered in an attempt
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to stop bank of america from executing yet another foreclosure. thanks it's. a lack of government regulations gave banks enough rope to operate like cowboys in the wild west and they responded by lassoing homeowners with these predatory lending practices when the housing bubble burst bank of america got bailed out and those with underwater mortgages were sold out so that c.e.o.'s like brian moynihan could collect the year end bonus of over nine million dollars a week lou with that they have enough money to pay for a reasonable war gauge at today's values so this is something that all of fluster can stand behind we believe that when folks have you know a hall and that they should be able to stay in that home and it's not like they're not willing to pay this is the weirdest movement i've ever worked in this way and the foreclosure movement because we are begging people to take money and they won't take it of course occupy hardly invented foreclosure defenses people like grace and
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high foreclosure organizations have been toiling away at this for years but when occupy wall street went to east new york in december to march occupy are more and more people around the country started to realize that there was another way to thank god. was. back. there thinking i was right. and sometimes demanding change in a large scale starts because even smaller groups dr margaret flowers is among the nation's leading advocates for true health care reform health care reform that would eliminate the for profit insurance companies and provide medicare for all individuals in the united states a former pediatrician and congressional fellow dr flowers worked within the system for years after the farm passed i was traveling around the country and people kept saying how are we going to get single payer i was speaking around you know various states and and i stole a kind of came together like oh well unless you know as
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a as a movement even though we're in the majority of the population wants a single payer system we're not going to be strong enough as a single issue. kind of movement to have that kind of political power and health care is really part of the broader social economic justice movement anyway and so we really need to come together bring our strengths together combine our strengths to have the power and so i notice in my talks i was starting to shift more into you know calling for a broader movement as a core organizer of the october two thousand and eleven coalition that occupied freedom plaza in washington d.c. dr flowers thought fit to attend as an uninvited guest a wall street comes to washington health care conference i crashed the party with her i know they wouldn't let my big camera and so i had to shoot the video this impromptu meeting with the real death panels on myself was to get how can we do that and that i don't have a good i didn't i acceptable. practice because they can't fight was.
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was out i was. fine i think you're going to have a snow cave the way you are right. you. want to. change it. sally. street. but nonetheless street and join protesters picketing outside where adair a scarlet shared her story of why health care was literally a life and death issue i came here because. for my father's part i was full suicide shocked it had three states but because her life partner did have enough money to pay for health care i just take care of it and didn't want to ask
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because my sister and myself were fifty four years old this is the most considerate suicide i've ever heard of and he had to quit sitting outside everything he had borrowed from everybody saying you know we turned this post this first and cetera et cetera everything that could have possibly been done did not work on my passport shiners now said we've done my part so my daughters will have to find. that it was he says i'm sure you understand this is something i have made whole you know without but simply not i'm sure that's why i'm here at this current standard of her people like every person that for lack of access to health care something's father or son or daughter thank you take a stand up not only for my father but for all those like. me who have.
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it is a. thing i. think it is a public a thank you think even though my mortgage is underwater and my health care costs are going through this here is america i'll just pull myself up by the bootstraps and get to work nose to the grindstone will solve all ills but be careful out there if you haven't noticed there is a war on workers well underway between one thousand nine hundred and two thousand and eight the average income of the bottom ninety percent remained effectively unchanged at thirty one thousand dollars per year in that same time span the average income of the top one percent went from four hundred thousand dollars to over one point one million dollars per year so much for trickle down economics in one thousand nine hundred a c.e.o. made forty two times that of an average employee by two thousand and ten to see those were earning three hundred forty three times
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a worker's median wage and while the rich got richer they were paying less and less taxes in one nine hundred forty five millionaires get a tax rate of sixty six percent in two thousand and ten millionaires effective tax rate was thirty two percent your corporation things look even better bank of america hold over two point two trillion in assets and pays less in taxes than the average american household in two thousand and ten g.b. reported five point two billion dollars in profit and was awarded a tax refund three point two billion dollars citi group has not paid taxes in the last four years and yet in the wake of the financial crisis they are deemed too big to fail and received four hundred seventy six billion dollars in taxpayer bailout money and goldman sachs has spent twenty two million dollars in campaign contributions and twenty one million dollars in lobbying. in the past decade and in
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two thousand and eight paid taxes at a rate. for a. one per cent thank you. thank you thank you thank thousand. tons. of the excuse was immaculate to me like you. think i was the excess i. was yes thank you but one would think that if you want to think about it think the twenty five years at the nothing but greed. thing working to. keep people in this club that they think you could put up with keep it in bed at night but not listen to coop of the day they would think you did this
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thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thousand thousand two thousand i was thousand six thousand thank you i was. speak your language. all these programs and documentaries in arabic it's
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all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots of the ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in troy. visit our big. wealthy british style sign. on the front. market. going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds of report.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. saying these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. i. click. the speed. with. the missile
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good. luck. and. come out and find him a better little. clue.


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